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What is the point of equality? | By:- Elizabeth Anderson

What is the point of equality? By:- Elizabeth Anderson Introduction Egalitarian political movements have historically conceived of their goals. Egalitarian political movements oppose hierarchy. They emphasize the equal moral worth of individuals. This claim does not mean that everyone has the same qualities and talents. She goes. Negatively – This claim reiterates differences in moral…

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John Rawl’s views on Equality of opportunity | Differentiated Principle of Rawls

Equality of opportunity By:- Rawls Equality of opportunity means the absence of any type of hereditary and special class. That is, there should not be any artificial basis of discrimination among people in society like birth, religion, caste, color, gender, etc. So that in the absence of encouragement to merit in society, one does not…

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The idea of equality (Bernard Williams) | Value of Equality

Value of Equality  (Bernard Williams) The idea of equality ​​the idea of equality occupies an important place in political debate. It mainly renders two ideas:- First: All people should be equal, that is, all people should also be equal.   Second: All people should be treated equally. Both views have their importance. On the one hand,…

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Quentin Skinner’s view on Republican Liberty

 Quentin Skinner Republican Liberty Skinner’s liberty is considered one of the most important for the interpretation of the contemporary political theory. Skinner equates republican liberty and negative liberty. Contemporary political theory and historical interpretation of Machiavelli both reference context. Skinner makes two claims on freedom:- Political philosophy claims a revival of republicanism in the last…

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Freedom and Market Libertarians view | Smith, Locke, Robert Nozick, Friedman

Freedom and Market freedom in economics There should be no interference of the state in the economic system. The exponents of this theory were mainly liberals. Liberalism was a theory or ideology that focused on liberty, equality, and the economy. Liberalism believed that man is a rational being who knows moral and immoral or good…

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Positive and Negative Freedom | Gerald C. MacCallum

 Gerald C. MacCallum Positive and Negative Freedom According to MacCallum, the controversies arising for the presence or absence of liberty in society are about 4 types – According to MacCallum, whenever the freedom of some agent or agent is in question, it always relates to freedom from some constraints or restrictions, interference with, or hindrance in…

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Two Concepts of Liberty [Positive & Negative] | Isaiah Berlin

 Isaiah Berlin Two Concepts of Liberty Berlin in his article “Two Concepts of Liberty” talks about two types of liberty (negative liberty and positive liberty).  The Notion of negative freedom Berlin says I am generally said to be free to the extent that no man interferes with my activity. If I say that I am…

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Freedom as Autonomy | By – Bruce Baum

Freedom as Autonomy  By:- Bruce Baum RH Hultion studies Mill’s  “On Liberty” negative perspective by looking at it positively. The relationship between power and freedom appears to be diametrically opposed because power always appears as an obstacle in the way of freedom. But Mill highlighted the positive and negative sides of both power and freedom….


Ancient and modern Liberty | Benjamin Constant

Ancient vs Modern Liberty Benjamin Constant in his article “the liberty of the ancient compare with that of the modern”  has described ancient and modern liberty and has also clarified the difference between it. He has tried to explain ancient freedom mainly in the context of Greek city-states like Sparta, Athens, Rumalia, and modern freedom in the…