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Functions and Powers of the Supreme Court | Original Jurisdiction, Appellate Jurisdiction, & writs

Powers of the Supreme Court The Federal Court has a special place in the federal constitution so that balance can be maintained and the autonomy of the supreme and center and units in their respective areas can be maintained.  There is a need for a court that can interpret the constitution, and settle disputes between…

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Historical Origins of the Constitution | Constituent Assembly Debates

Historical Origins of the Constitution and Constituent Assembly Debates The Indian Constitution is the basis of the Indian system. The Indian Constitution is the longest surviving constitution in the post-colonial world and greatly influences public life in India. Indian constitution has great importance in the structure of daily life of Indian citizens and all the…

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Development planning And The Indian state | Partha Chatterjee

Introduction Chatterjee in his book (state and polities in India) talks about the National Planning Commission (NPC). How successful it has been in the Indian context and to what extent it can fulfill its objectives and what were the reasons for its failure, full detailed information is available. According to Chatterjee, it is a truism…

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The Relationship Between Economics and Politics | Demand and Command Polity

8 Types of Politics and Economics Performance The relationship between economics and politics Rudolph & Rudolph present the relationship between economics and politics through two models – command politics and demand politics. They use these models to explain the relationship between economy and politics in the Indian context and Rudolph & Rudolph have divided it…

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what is Demand and command Polity? | Rudolph & Rudolph

 Introduction  We use the conflicting model between politics and the economy in independent India to explain the relationship between them (Command Polity) and (Demand Polity). These models give us the conflicting requirements of state sovereignty and popular sovereignty. allow us to raise questions about the tension between that determines the extent of autonomy on the…

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Concept of Civic Culture | meaning, Determinants, Importance

Concept of Civic Culture  Today’s era is the era of democratic-welfare states. Liberal form of democracy The main feature of modern democracy from which the risk of escape can put any political system in danger. Today, the need of the hour is to ensure the maximum participation of the people in the process of governance….

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Political Culture | Definition, components, Features and types

Political Culture The concept of political culture is a completely new concept in the field of political science. After the Second World War, political analysts attempted to find out why political systems with similar political structural structures differed and the directions of political development also differed. For this, political analysts started a comparative study of…

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The evolution of the Indian nation state from the pre-colonial state to the modern state | Thomas Panthem

Rise of the Indian State can be understood mainly through two thinkers. Thomas Pantham and Sudipta Kaviraj present their ideas on the basis of thinker theory and thought and ideology and practice. Stages of development of the Indian state according to Thomas Pantham, the process of the Indian nation-state began generally after 1947 (post-independence). Indian…

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John Rawls views on Justice as fairness | Two principal of justice

Justice as fairness By:- John Rawls Introduction  The basic position of justice as fairness corresponds to the position of nature in the traditional theory of the social contract. It is understood as a purely hypothetical situation. The essential features of this condition are that no one knows his place in society, his class position or…

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Deontological Ethics Meaning, Theories | Advantages and weakness

Deontological Ethics Introduction The word deontology derives from the Greek words for duty and science. In ethical philosophy, deontology is one of the types of normative theories about which choices are morally necessary, prohibited, or permitted, in other words. Deontology falls within the realm of moral principles that guide and evaluate our choices about what…