Freedom as Autonomy | By – Bruce Baum

Freedom as Autonomy

 By:- Bruce Baum

RH Hultion studies Mill’s  “On Liberty” negative perspective by looking at it positively. The relationship between power and freedom appears to be diametrically opposed because power always appears as an obstacle in the way of freedom. But Mill highlighted the positive and negative sides of both power and freedom.

Bruce Baum, the understanding of freedom can be best understood in the sense of independence and self-government. Mill reiterates how the power of one person limits the freedom of others.,

Explains this interrelationship of power and freedom in four ways:-

1. The taking of one’s own power over one’s own character is essential for one’s complete freedom. It is concerned with a person’s capacity for morality and autonomy, the ability to express his or her own thoughts, and the ability to fulfill one’s own desires.

2. It is also necessary for freedom to have the availability of material resources and opportunities so that a person can fulfill his goals and objectives.

3. The mental state and autonomy of a person are the forces of his development.

4. Mill places great emphasis on the sovereignty of the individual in matters relating to the self, and at the same time, his understanding of liberty also includes participation in the democratic process of self-governance of the individual. Under this, the individual participates in the collective decision-making process according to the established relationships within the society.

According to Mill, some of the important barriers to liberty are as follows: –

  • Legal barriers
  • Psychological barriers

These hinder a person’s ability to fulfill his/her desires and values. In the course of a person’s doing his work……….read more

JS Mill On Freedom and Power

By:- Bruce Baum

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