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Freedom as Autonomy | By – Bruce Baum

Freedom as Autonomy  By:- Bruce Baum RH Hultion studies Mill’s  “On Liberty” negative perspective by looking at it positively. The relationship between power and freedom appears to be diametrically opposed because power always appears as an obstacle in the way of freedom. But Mill highlighted the positive and negative sides of both power and freedom….


Ancient and modern Liberty | Benjamin Constant

Ancient vs Modern Liberty Benjamin Constant in his article “the liberty of the ancient compare with that of the modern”  has described ancient and modern liberty and has also clarified the difference between it. He has tried to explain ancient freedom mainly in the context of Greek city-states like Sparta, Athens, Rumalia, and modern freedom in the…


concept of power | Foucault’s Panopticism Model

Panopticism By:- Bentham Foucault’s concept of power is described by Bentham and he introduces Panopticon He says that we know the principle on which this circumambulation was based. An annular building with a tower set in its center. This tower has been installed with wide windows. Which opens on the inner side of the ring and…

Power: A Radical View | Steven Lukesh three-dimensional approach
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Power: A Radical View | Steven Lukesh three-dimensional approach

Power : A Radical View By:- Steven Lukesh Introduction Steven Lukesh in his book Power of Radical View describes the different stages of power. He takes a more political approach, a methodical theory with respect to power. With regard to power, Morton s. Baratz’s famous article “the two faces of power (1962)”  and another article “power…

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Moral rights and legal rights | Hatfield, Locke, Bentham

Right’s Rights are the medicine of a person which he does from society and receives from the society and is implemented by the government. But every claim cannot be a right. Rights are the product of the modern era in human society and human history has seen a long struggle for the attainment of rights….